Waking Up

Oct 22, 2011 00:36

[At first there's just the rustle of bedding, following by a distinct thud as a journal is knocked off the nightstand and lands open-ended on the floor. Then there's a quiet hum -- that warm, wakeful sound that always seems to come out of a body after a good bit of sleep. It elongates as Fred does the same, stretching out and then curling to one side. Blood flows, and even stings. But not in an unpleasant way. Helping out at Caritas must've tired her out even more than she thought]

...mmmmmMMMM.....[Wait. Was she --- what was she wearing?]...mmmHarmony??

[Fred pushes herself up into a sitting position]

((OOC : Open to all. Timewise, tags will come after time with Wes and likely Harmony))

winifred burkle

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