[OOC: Pretend that this is sent at a normal time of day because lol what are sleep schedules?]
[Friends and allies, save Lord Elrond]
Lord Elrond of Rivendell, a dear friend and great ally from my home has recently arrived. Indeed, he is kin to me- through marriage but I love him no less than a kinsman by blood. Some of you had the pleasure of meeting my granddaughter, the Lady Arwen, during her time here; Lord Elrond is her father.
I ask only that you show him the same generosity and courtesy you have shown me and treat him kindly, for he is no doubt worried for his children and pained by the separation.
[Those with foresight]
[This is a more formal note, so it is written rather than dictated. As always, her handwriting is an elegant and rather archaic-looking script.]
I know well that this topic is more delicate for some than others. Rest assured, I mean no harm in asking and I have no intention to use what you may tell me to your disadvantage.
I have become aware that a number of those with foresight find their vision more limited here; I myself am among them. I would speak with you of your gift and any changes you have felt since your arrival, if you would be so kind as to indulge my curiosity.
If it discomforts you to speak of such things openly, you may filter to me privately. You have my word I will share nothing you tell me in confidence.
-Lady Galadriel