(Hesam, Katara, Emil)
Katara and I thought we'd lay what information we still have on the table. Not that it's much. Is Wednesday alright?
Tell me what you know about that energy theory.
[Alan seems a little sidetracked today. When he's not paying attention, he seems a bit more gruff than usual. In the morning, he'll be in the Ira Tower before heading down to the lobby. Later in the afternoon, you can find him wandering through the castle halls. He'll try to brush by those he passes with his arm or shoulder, and those who come in contact with him might find themselves the recipient of a rather nasty shock from static electricity.]
((Alan's the host of a
Shard of Darkness! Feel free to bump into him wherever - he's not disguised, just more irritated than he would normally be. The static electricity is an evil scheme complete accident. [Edit as of 10/19 for specificity:Think of it as if he's just gone down a slide - irritating, but not too harmful.]))