─ one hundred & twenty-five

Oct 12, 2011 20:27

[ bros :( | private ]

It’s been a long time but I haven’t forgotten the words Shindou-san taught me.

[ private ]

Could it be I’m imagining it? Maybe there wasn’t time to - she’d tell me, wouldn’t she? I’m over thinking again... I think.Even if we haven’t spoken in a while, I’m sure if something came up she’d come to me eventually. [ ... ] I-I think I’m being paranoid.

[ friends ]

Hello! How’s everyone doing? Oh - guess what? I finally pierced my ears! Well, not by myself but at a place in the city. I’m surprised, it didn’t hurt! I didn’t feel anything, really.

[ james ]

Are you feeling better now?

[ guess who wants to see the stag? :> ]

[ nowadays, uru is prone to working earlier hours if she can get them. that means today she finished work sometime in the afternoon and then spent it browsing the city royale, going on a bit of shopping spree. nothing extravagant; mostly new clothes and some groceries (okay, she snuck in a couple of treats) since she was still in a good mood thanks to work.

she’s sitting at the fountain, whipping her journal out to speak into it. ]

You know, a few months ago Jason asked me how come I never celebrated my birthday or had a party. I didn’t really feel like it at the time [ for embarrassing reasons ] but in a week I’ll have been here two years. People keep track of their first days, don’t they? I think he’d be a little upset if I didn’t do something but I’m not sure what I should do!

It never stops being pretty amazing, even after two years. Back home, I never met elves or demons, superheroes or even thought magic could be real. It’s been an adventure this whole time, even with the bad that’s happened. But that’s why we create happier memories, right? [ she laughs. ] I think I said it last year but I’m glad for a lot of the experiences I never would have had back home.

takamura uru

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