❀ forty-three unicorn statues for -- WHY WAS FRED ... NAKED-ISH? (last night)

Oct 11, 2011 23:09

[Harmony exhales, frowning. She stared at the journal trying to figure it out on her own. She'd skimmed through the last few days of the journal, mostly checking up on things, but she couldn't sort out what project Fred had been working on. She knew her friend had been doing a lot of different things lately, but she didn't expect her to fall asleep in the bathroom the night before. Out like a light. Even gentle prodding and shaking hadn't stirred her. She didn't even wake up when Harmony scooped her up (Yay, Vampire strength!) and carried her up to her room. Not even when Harmony tsked at the level of Pajama status that Fred owned. Fred didn't even wake up as Harmony dressed her for bed. (No, she's still not a lesbian. Even if she had to admit that Fred had a very lovely figure.)

Now though, now, it had been twenty-four hours and Fred was still asleep. It was quite a puzzler. Quite. A. Puzzler.]

Was Fred working on some sort of sleep-induction-production... thing? I mean, she does a lot of experiments, so I thought maybe that's why she's still asleep.

Because, she's still asleep. After a full twenty-four hours of sleep.


Which is weird. Right? Very weird?

Like... the kind of weird we used to have at home all the time. Well, it felt more like something crazy would happen every week for a few months and then nothing, then more crazy then more nothing.

This is just like that. So. I mean, I thought it could be related to that. Maybe? [she doesn't sound entirely convinced, but she is worried about her friend.]

Otherwise she's just really, really tired and she can sleep through anything.

harmony kendall

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