dictated - so so late orzthedicearecastOctober 17 2011, 17:33:12 UTC
[Amelia barely recognizes the voice, but she knows the name and the face, thanks to a chance meeting. More importantly, she knows the pain in those words, which prompts her to say something.]
[Amelia hesitates then. She's never had kids (never wants to), so she doesn't know what it's like from a parent's perspective. But from the other side?]
No. [Firmly] Not a thing I did was ever to hurt my family. Didn't stop other people tryin' to hurt them to get to me after though. It sure wsn't intentional on my part.
I'm sorry. He's your...?
My son. He's my son.
[Amelia hesitates then. She's never had kids (never wants to), so she doesn't know what it's like from a parent's perspective. But from the other side?]
He wouldn't have wanted to leave you either.
What'd you do?
Those messes. You weren't doing anything that would get your family hurt, were you?
No. [Firmly] Not a thing I did was ever to hurt my family. Didn't stop other people tryin' to hurt them to get to me after though. It sure wsn't intentional on my part.
[Sound familiar, Amelia?]
John might notice a certain coldness creeping into her voice.]
Right. I'll bet you never meant them to suffer at all. [I gave her money so she could live an easy life.]
So what were you doing that had so many people going after you?
I didn't.
[Ugh, he siiighs] I was an outlaw, went straight, the government found me and held my family hostage while they sent me out to get rid of my old gang.
Even if you had gone straight, they wouldn't have had reason to drag anyone into it if you hadn't been an outlaw in the first place.
Of course I know that. If I could change choices I made when I was a stupid kid, I would. But I can't, I can only try to make them right now.
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