Three posts in one, yayyyyyy

Oct 08, 2011 00:49

[Thursday Night

Mindy Macready / Room Filter]

[Damian is glad to be back in the castle, even if he would rather not be here at all. That said, after dealing with the outdoors and the leaves, he's also glad to stay in for a night.

Stripped to the waist and heavily dosed up on vicodin, he's sitting in the middle of the bed in dead silence, eyes closed, meditating. It's pretty much the only way to find peace here.]

[Friday Night

Takamura Uru / City Filter]

[She'll never learn.

The Batman finds himself crouched at the edge of a roof, elbows on his knees, visually scouring the streets for threats. Of course, they're rare in this miserable little city, but you never know what's lurking among the leaves. It's worth it, to watch over her and see that she gets home alright.

But she still takes the same damn alleys as shortcuts.

He rises up, pulls out his line, and he drops down to join her in the darkness of the alley.]


[Saturday Night

Hush / Hall Filter]

[Damian goes a-walking... and runs into someone he'd been trying to avoid.]

thomas elliot (hush), damian wayne, takamura uru, mindy 'hit girl' macready

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