Oct 03, 2011 21:08
[Fenris is brooding in a pile of leaves, observing people going about making tree forts and the like. He also looks incredibly annoyed, as much as he hates the castle, at least it gave him some assurance of safety. Not so much right now. He gives his journal a glare, as if that's the cause of all his misery (which he could easily blame it for, really) before leaning back against a tree, his armour making a dull thumping sound as it hits the wood]
Well, it appears my loss covers the castle grounds, as well. My cage happens to have an outside run, wonderful.
[He sighs, starting to sharpen his sword with a rock he found buried in the leaves. The blade needed sharpening, anyway, but it also serves a purpose to remind a certain someone who might be interested in taking advantage of this situation that he IS still armed]
Perhaps whatever controls this prison has finally tired of us, and has abandoned us to fend for ourselves. [An annoyed sound, trust Fenris to ruin ANYTHING] This would normally be a perfect time for a dragon to show up and try to kill us all.