sixth roll of the dice

Oct 01, 2011 01:00

[Amelia's kept track of how many days have passed since the ordeal with Legato happened. It's not that means to, but she also can't forget how it felt, having no control over her own body. Even over a month since, the memories are still vivid in her mind, with the talks of trials and justice only serving as a reminder. But Amelia has never been ( Read more... )


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Comments 33

payback October 1 2011, 06:01:04 UTC
[Actually, she sympathizes with this a lot.]

It helps to get out of the castle sometimes. Live in town, things can be more normal there, or go to the world outside.

That, or use the library. Learn what you can there. Prepare yourself.


thedicearecast October 2 2011, 04:33:59 UTC
Exploring some doesn't sound bad. Truth be told, I'm not used to staying in one place for too long either.

I don't know how much reading will help though. Every time I think I've got a handle on things, some new surprise appears from nowhere.


payback October 2 2011, 07:27:40 UTC
There's a lot of ground to cover if that's your preference, but to be honest, the best thing I think you can do for yourself is get used to being surprised again and again.


thedicearecast October 4 2011, 04:28:14 UTC
Probably. Nothing here is what I'm used to thinking of as "normal," that's for sure.

How long have you been here, anyway?


shalamayned October 1 2011, 07:55:39 UTC
[Had been expecting that question from his son Anduin once, except Anduin is extremely smart and didn't need to in the end.]

You do not let it overwhelm you by being trained.


thedicearecast October 2 2011, 04:35:54 UTC

Not that I don't appreciate a good workout, but what sort of training can actually do a normal human any good in this situation?


Legato filter cricketycricket October 1 2011, 13:19:51 UTC
[ah, he recognizes her. they didn't really speak much, and he doesn't know her beyond "that girl who got puppeted into shooting him in the arm", but ... he'll speak as though he does] He's being held in a specially constructed cell in the Peace Patrol headquarters - he was moved there a short while ago.

[he sounds a little tired, as though, well, he's glad to be rid of him under his TARDIS roof. which he is]

... As for your other question ... take it all as it comes, one thing at a time. Find and appreciate the good things, even if it's something as small as a breeze on a sunny day. It's worked for me quite well for the last few centuries.


Re: Legato filter thedicearecast October 2 2011, 04:44:22 UTC
[It's an unfortunate truth, and not what Amelia wants to be remembered for. But given that very event is a large part of her reason for asking both questions, it's not like she can deny it.]

So I can see him there. [It's less a question than a statement of intent. Amelia remembers this guy too, and it's no wonder he sounds drained; Legato's power is nothing to take lightly.

The way he says "centuries" though, like it's absolutely nothing? That makes her pause, though not for too long.] I'm not the type to just sit back appreciating things. I'd rather figure out some way to go at the problem directly.

[Not that she's got high hopes here, but Amelia's at least up front.]


/to end? :) cricketycricket October 4 2011, 02:48:31 UTC
Yes, you can. There should be someone guarding the cells at all times, so you won't be alone should he try anything. He shouldn't be able to, though. The cell itself nulls any outside psychic interference, so as long as no one's in there with him, he can't control anyone.

... I see. Well, then, perhaps enumerate your problems, and decide which ones you can deal with for a start. The smaller ones. Work your way up... and ask for help when you need it. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who'd be more than happy to lend you a hand, myself included. [a pause, and then] I know what it is to lose control of yourself with no choice. It's never an easy thing to recover from.


works for me :D thedicearecast October 4 2011, 04:24:57 UTC
So long as his powers are in check, I'll be fine. A man coming at me is something I can handle. [And in truth, Amelia almost wishes he would. A pure physical fight, without powers or magic or superhuman anything? Sounded a bit like heaven to her just then.

The rest of his advice is logical, sound, and just what Amelia doesn't want to hear. She gives it a second while she considers the filter--how many people can hear this anyway?--but then gives a mental "screw it" before opening up a bit more. If that last part really is true, then maybe this guy can understand.]

That's the thing though. I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it. I just can't figure out when I don't anymore. Nothing in this place makes sense. The things I was good at because I worked at them, it seems like half the people here can just do by waving a hand. There's food and water everywhere, no one putting up bounties, so I can't even make money if I needed it--and that's assuming it'd be someone I could catch. I got used like it was nothing. Back ( ... )


Amelia tehoniongirl October 20 2011, 04:43:08 UTC
About Legato....the last time I checked, he was still in the Peace Patrol prison. [she'd made sure of it, after the headspace mess]

With the rest, though...

Maybe I'm not the best person to ask, because I guess I always wanted to see it, even when others couldn't...but I think it gets easier to accept when you stop trying to fit everything into boxes.

People are messy. So is life. Even when you don't take magic into account, it almost never goes the way you expect. Magic just is a bit flashier about it.


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