18th Case - The forfeit in the request

Sep 25, 2011 20:59

[Filtered to Doctors only]

[even after he's made the filter, he's silent for several long minutes. It's only after a long pause and a disgruntled huff that he actually bothers to speak up]

Okay...fine. I promised a few people I'd do this, so...here goes nothing. But I need someone to check out a medical condition that may or may not be sticking around from home. And, no offense to you magical types, but I'm kinda hoping for the kind of checking out that's firmly grounded in science and machines and thoroughly sterilized rooms.

It's probably nothing. But...hey. A promise is a promise is a promise, I guess.

Anyway, I'm not looking for a big fuss. Just your basic checkup, you know? [because basic checkups will certainly tell whether or not you have a brain tumor.

Ah well. At least he kind of made an effort]

[/Doctor filter]

[he flips through pages a little longer, but he's not really feeling like talking. So after awhile he closes the journal and tucks it into a large pocket inside his suit jacket. After that, he'll retrieve his gun and head for the shooting range. Nothing solves a little medical stress than a helpful round of shooting inanimate objects]

seeley booth

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