Sixth Mind Read - Seizing the Day (Backdated to a few days after the end of the Headspace plot)

Sep 17, 2011 11:43

[Having finally found some free time, Charles and Fred had finally decided to stop putting off the date they'd been planning for close to a month. Wheeling himself out of the elevator, Charles wheels himself down the hall. He'd cleaned up as best he could, as he'd refused the help of the ghosts this time, but his was nevertheless smartly dressed in ( Read more... )

winifred burkle, charles xavier

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_fredless September 18 2011, 05:21:09 UTC
[Fred, for her part, is clean. It's a strange thing to note, perhaps, but after nearly a week spent in burlap -- imagined or otherwise -- clean isn't a bad place to start at all. Her favorite jeans and a simple bohemian blouse is pretty close to heaven. So many people will never really know what a luxury comfortable really is.

At the sound of the knock on the tower door, Fred crosses the lobby to answer the it. She smiles at Charles on the other side]


justcharles September 18 2011, 05:29:51 UTC
[Taking in the sight of her, Charles smiles. He feels a bit overdressed, but that's pretty common for him. Instead, he'll nod.]

Well, aren't you a vision of loveliness. Shall we?

[He gestures down the hall vaguely. He knew that a good half of their "date" was going to end up happening on the way to Caritas, but he was okay with that.]


_fredless September 20 2011, 03:30:41 UTC
[Her cheeks color slightly at the compliment. She's never been the best at navigating them. Ducking her head Fred tugs the door closed and them moves to walk beside him]

Cordy's got the visions, not me. [It occurs to her he might not know what she's talking about] I don't know if you've met her yet.


justcharles September 20 2011, 05:16:01 UTC
[Ever the suave character, Charles smiles a winning smile, before beginning to wheel his way down the hall, heading for the elevator.]

Really? Cordelia has precognition? I may have to meet her sometime.

[But of course, he wants to dive right into his chosen topic. He's been chomping at the bit to talk about it for a while.]

All right, I suppose I should ask you first what sort of experiences you've had with telepaths, such as myself, in the world you come from. Obviously, you're familiar with many things the average person could never believe exists. I'm curious as to what you've seen. Despite how much of your mind I've seen, I'm curious as to your own impressions.


_fredless September 20 2011, 11:33:47 UTC
[It's strange, hearing him refer to her as Cordelia. While Fred supposes it's a simple enough lead from the nickname she used, she's got little doubt it was something else pulled from her mind. Her thoughts, having a conversation of their own]

It didn't start out that way, but yes. She's got it now.

[She's never known Cordelia without the visions, but she'd heard enough stories to know at some point? That's exactly how it was]

As for anybody else like Cordy, I didn't encounter it as much as you might think. At least before here. Just maybe a few people on the company payroll. [But that didn't mean she didn't see plenty of everything else to make up for it] And I'm friends with Peter, I know he can see a lot too.

[She's always hesitated to ask just how much. He's seemed to hold back at times, especially when it came to answering questions. But he also always seemed so confident he knew what she was feeling. Which was sometimes difficult, feeling as she wasn't sure herself]


justcharles September 24 2011, 17:56:34 UTC
So she acquired it from outside means? No doubt some sort of supernatural element that can't be scientifically explained, I'll bet.

[He grins. For him, finding scientific explanations for things that should be unexplainable was something of his life's work.]

So you do have some experience in working with them, then. Beyond our contact, what sort of psychic or telepathic contact have you had? I ask only because I wish to share my idea with you a little more...intimately...than a simple explanation. It's a difficult thing to explain, you see. At least for me it is.


_fredless September 25 2011, 02:35:42 UTC
[Reaches the elevator Fred punches the button and waits for it to arrive. She tilts her head towards her escort, considering what he's said]

Oh, I don't know about there not being an explanation. I think there's always an explanation, we just haven't figured out where to look for it yet. Or found out how to see it right way up.

Somebody thinks they open a magic book and say the magic words and poof, they've got themselves a magic portal. Only what they've really got? Is a series of consonant representations of an actual mathematical transfiguration formula. It's like a ...mystical tuning fork. Say 'em the right way? Shatter the glass. Open the door.

[There's always something to learn. Which seems to be touching on what Charles -- this Charles, at least -- is asking. Fred studied him with a sort of cautious curiosity. She thinks she knows where this is leading]

Well, there's Peter. And we've done a few spells here and there in the name of a case.


justcharles September 25 2011, 05:32:39 UTC
Oh I agree with you. In a way, you and I are in the same business; finding scientific explanations for those things which defy ordinary definition. In my case, I'm searching for what in the evolution of the human species can lead to people like myself and Peter.

[When the elevator dings open, Charles gestures for Fred to enter before him, ever the gentleman.]

So your experience is limited to work then, mostly. Not that I can fault you for that, since what I'm thinking of is basically for the same purpose.

Anyway, I suppose I should mention that what I have in mind is a device, of sorts. Something I encountered after I began working with the CIA.


_fredless September 29 2011, 04:54:17 UTC
[Waiting until they're both on, she selects the button for the lobby almost as an afterthought. Fred considers his statement. Is her experience limited to work? It hadn't felt that way, all of it so tangled together and honestly she'd never stopped to mind. Only when they all when to Wolfram & Hart did she even really start to take full measure of that word]

A device? [It doesn't take a big leap] You want to recreate what you saw, somehow?


justcharles September 30 2011, 06:54:01 UTC
Yes indeed. Though I may not have the knowledge of engineering and physics that you do, I understand the principal of the device well enough to know it could be recreated...possibly even improved upon. I've been..."recruiting" to an extent, looking for people of various fields of knowledge who could help make what I have in mind a reality. Yours was the first name on my list.

[He'll pull out one of his unlabeled sketches of the more primitive Cerebro design, where the only concrete details are the helmet and a crude sketch of a radio tower. Charles does not excel at drawing XD]

This is the basic design. I'll leave the exact nature of what it is for when we actually reach Caritas. You'll want to be sitting down when I show you how I first came upon the device, myself.

[Not to mention that he'll be showing her a memory involving three of his best friends, and the person he cares most about in the world. He figures that since he's seen so much of Fred's mind, that he should share some of his, in turn. The ride down to the lobby is a ( ... )


_fredless October 1 2011, 02:44:34 UTC
There's already a list?

[There's amusement in her voice as Fred takes the paper, eyes scanning over the design there. As simplistic as the sketch is, it doesn't do anything to mask just how complex a thin it actually is. No wonder there's a list.

There should probably be lists for the lists. Fred continues to study the paper through the entire right down, mind clearly at work. It's an incredibly big project, even for this place.

Distracted, she walks through the open elevator door and waits for Charles to join her]

...and by the way, you'd be surprised just how much I can take standing up.

[It's a teasing comment meant to counter the reality of years of being forced to think of her feet]


justcharles October 1 2011, 05:03:47 UTC
[Charles wheels himself out of the elevator, following Fred, and smiles.]

Oh yes. I anticipate there'll be at least a half-dozen of us all working on this together, and possibly more, if people with the appropriate talents come to my attention. I'll be making an announcement over the journal to the people I'm recruiting, so that we can get things moving. It's an ambitious project, I'll admit, but one worth the effort.

[His expression is a gentle one, knowing full well of her experiences, and having to deal with things many could never even dream of.]

Oh I know. You're a much tougher young woman than most people realize. However, considering I can't stand and share this with you, I'd rather not stare at your navel while sharing my memories with you. Not that I'm not sure it isn't perfectly lovely.

[His tone is teasing, playing up his handicap, while making a subtle pass at his companion.]


_fredless October 3 2011, 02:36:26 UTC
[She takes her time leading them out of the castle, careful not to move too quickly/ There's always been a natural tendency for her feet to try and keep up with her thoughts. After another thoughtful moment Fred taps on the drawing]

Have you considered some sort of workspace yet? This doesn't exactly look...small. And I imagine you'd want it to be fairly controlled.

[There's a brief smile]

And maybe you're right. I can sit. It's a bit early to be talking about navels, all things considered.


bluh bluh, I apologize for finally getting to this tag while you're on hiatus x_x justcharles October 12 2011, 15:31:21 UTC
[Charles, for his part, is able to keep pace fairly well, both mentally and physically. He hadn't been spending all that time in the gym and library for nothing, after all.]

My first thought was simply to create a room for it in my room, but then, for the sake of transparency, I thought it would be better served in the Peace Patrol's headquarters. That way, my use of the device could be more carefully monitored, in case there are those in the castle made uneasy by the thought of having their minds read, as well as providing easier access for the few other telepaths in the castle who would be capable of using it themselves.

[And he laughs, ever the smoothie.]

Of course. I didn't want to imply anything, of course, but when you look at the world from 3 feet lower than most, you get use to either looking up at people all the time, or staring at their navels, as the case may be. Assuming they don't do me the kindness of sitting or kneeling, at least. It gives me a unique perspective on people.


_fredless October 15 2011, 03:43:53 UTC
[Fred nodded, following his line of thought. A more public place was probably preferred, but if it really did go up in the Peace Patrol headquarters? She couldn't imagine keeping Ray away from it. If Charles hadn't considered including him, he probably should start]

That might be the best place, all things considered. Though I'll admit I'm not sure who else would use it. At least that I know.

[As for the rest? It wasn't just just a point of perspective, it was perception too. Fred wasn't exactly short at almost 5'9''. But she knew full well more than one person still viewed her as frail, or something to protected. Past sitting or standing or looking a body right in the eye? There was what you believed you saw in the first place]


justcharles October 15 2011, 05:48:09 UTC
[He had indeed, and honestly? Ray would probably turn out to be one of the biggest innovators in creating the device in Paradisa.]

What it comes down to for me, is knowing that the people of the castle trust me. Given the nature of the power I wield, the last thing I need is for people to mistrust the power Cerebro could confer on me. As for other users of Cerebro, the first people who spring to mind are the Doctors. Given their age and alien origin, I believe them both to possess the mental discipline to make full use of Cerebro's capabilities. There are in fact quite a few powerful telepaths in Paradisa, they're just not as open about their abilities as I am.

[Of course, Charles knows that Fred would get where he's coming from, seeing as how they're both often underestimated being who and what they are. It's another reason why he likes her; she knows how it feels to be underestimated on a regular basis. Of course, they've been walking and talking so long, that Charles notices that they're closing in on Caritas much quicker than he ( ... )


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