Sep 17, 2011 14:47
Hello? Guys? This isn't funny, my birthday isn't for another two months. [ A sigh and she starts pacing, loudly. ]
Fenris? Isabela? [ Long pause. ] ...Anders?
Can someone tell me why I can't smell Lowtown burning anymore and when exactly did magic books become a thing? They would have been incredibly helpful six years ago.
marian hawke
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Hawke! I suppose it was only a matter of time before you showed up.
... What's this about Lowtown burning?
Oh you know, the usual drama. Someone got mad at someone else for stealing their spot, so they set the other person's stand on fire and started running through the streets screaming.
Merchants. They never grow up, do they?
[but there's something about her tone that ... worries him]
Are you alright?
Anders... I've been kidnapped by a magic castle and effectively mugged of something, so no. I'm not alright.
If it's any consolation, the magic castle isn't ... completely terrible? [a "meow" in the background. CAN YOU GUESS WHY HE SAYS THAT ...]
[ A sigh, she wants to see him but at the same time doesn't... argh. ] It could be worse, we could be in the Deep Roads again or the nest of a High Dragon or--is that a cat?
.... It ... might be, yes.
Somehow I'm not surprised.
Well, I couldn't just let him wander about, he's so tiny ...
[ She has to bite her tongue to stop herself from making some sort of jab about him having a heart. ] Tell me you didn't name something ridiculous like you did the last one?
Ser Pounce-a-lot was a perfectly fine name! [DON'T HATE ON THE KITTIES HAWKE] ... But I haven't named him yet. I've been trying to come up with something.
That's the sort of name a child would give a cat. [ NOT HATING ON THEM, JUST YOUR CHOICE OF NAMES. ] Oh, oh! What about Bigglesworth?
Bigglesworth? [a pitiful mewing sound] I don't think he's the type.
Captain Growlith?
[a pause .... :c] You seem less excited about that than I thought you'd be. [considering you're a mage and all]
Have you ever named a pet before?
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