River Song's Head Space

Sep 03, 2011 13:44

River's mind is a beautiful and truly terrifying place. From the first step inside, one could almost feel that her head space is different. At first glance, there's a large, long, and seemingly endless hallway of doors. However, just because there are many doors to choose from, doesn't exactly mean that they're all accessible. Some doors seem to disappear or fade as you step closer to them. What doors remain solid and visible all depend on how well River Song trusts you, how dear you are to her, and how many secrets she has to keep from you.

Now, for the terrifying part. There are monsters lurking in her mind. A strange race of beings called The Silence lurk within the darker corners of her mind. One can only glimpse them out of the corner of one's eyes and when you turn to look, they're gone. Even if visitors are lucky enough to catch a full glimpse of these monsters, it's unlikely that they'll remember it. The Silence are best left forgotten.

Other monsters that lurk within the deep recesses of her mind are strange and seemingly mundane statues of weeping angels. These creatures may seem harmless enough, but turn your back on them or look away  and you'll see that they're not quite in the same spot or pose that they had been when you last blinked.

Becareful where you step, there are traps and monsters lurking everywhere. It's easy to get lost in this endless maze of doors, but dont' be shy. Step right up and pick a door. Any door.

The First door: Easiest to access

The second door: Mildly accessible

The third door: Least accessible

river song

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