[Ah, so that explained it. Castle interferance once again. There was probably little point in lecturing someone who wasn't in full control of their actions at the time. much as she would have liked to.]
Glad to hear this won't be a regular occurance.
If you need help with cleanup, just tell me where.
This place has a habit of making us do the worst things possible. [She hasn't been on such a Loss herself, but when her friend was turned into her worst enemy and needed her to be supportive, she did just the opposite. She understands.]
At least you're trying to make up for it; that's something. So, you're in the Peace Patrol too? I don't believe we've formally met ...
Kat S-320, and I'd like to think if you were I would have noticed. [There's a touch of humor in her voice, though, she sees no point in holding a grudge here.]
And just think about what could have happened if you had succeeded more. How did you make all that ice in the first place? It's not exactly that cold out there.
I'm giving Felix a demonstration by the duck pond in about an hour. You can come too, if you'd like.
[She is always baffled by how interested people seem to be in her bending; there's so much real magic around the castle that bending just seems boring to her.]
Glad to hear this won't be a regular occurance.
If you need help with cleanup, just tell me where.
At least you're trying to make up for it; that's something. So, you're in the Peace Patrol too? I don't believe we've formally met ...
[Katara's voice brightens just a little. She's glad to hear that people aren't angry.]
My name is Katara, and most of the time, I'm really not that horrible.
[She pauses, then blurts:]
I wasn't even any good at being bad! I was just annoying!
[She is always baffled by how interested people seem to be in her bending; there's so much real magic around the castle that bending just seems boring to her.]
[Hey, she's curious about anything she doesn't understand.]
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