[What comes up first is some attention drawn to
this post. Yep, Meowth is being manipulative. He's good at that.]
Don't let this twerp's blockheaded and annoying demenear fool you. Smarter than even you all have fallen to his wiles... And his Pikachu's Thundershocks. His determination to make Pokemon everywhere his slaves have nearly been the downfall of Meowth, but I've been able to escape time and again by only the hair of my tail. Mark my words, he and his little electric rat'll bring you nothing but trouble.
[And you can practically hear the sniffle in his voice.] And I'm too young and good at bein' a free Pokemon to be reduced to some twerp's slave.
[[OOC: Basically, if your character has spoken to Meowth and were on pretty good terms with him, you can see this. Off the top of my head, Alleyne, Coraline, Toothless, Spike (the dragon), Nepeta, Courage, Kitty, Percy, and.... Several others would be able to see it.]]