
Aug 21, 2011 21:53

[You know what’s not fun? Being the only person from a world which has languages that don’t seem to resemble any others. But Galadriel’s been surprised once today by Crowley, so she’s going to be thorough about this. Just in case she can find any conversation partners who aren't notorious trolls. What follows undoubtedly sounds like very pretty gibberish to most of the castle.]

[Sindarin] I know well this is like as not a futile effort, yet I am curious. It seems some languages are common to a number of worlds and I know of at least one blessed with an understanding of tongues beyond his own home. I should be most interested to learn of any others who can converse with me.

[This message is repeated in Quenya and Westron. Then, as an afterthought, she adds in Khuzdûl:]

Do you speak Khuzdûl?

[Of course, if anyone says yes to the last question, she’s going to have some difficulties. The Dwarves are secretive with their language; she never was able to convince them to teach her more than basic stock phrases. But she’s good at pronouncing it, at least.]

[You may be wondering what one does with one’s time when communication is so difficult. If you guessed “decide to embrace the strange circumstances and spend the evening in the lobby composing poetry in the dead language that happens to be your mother tongue,” you are quite right. She’s certainly not adverse to company, but attempting a conversation with her may require a bit of work.]

[ooc: Open as open can be. If nothing else, she'll be interested in hearing your strange languages.]


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