♈Aradia: Apologize.

Aug 18, 2011 18:20

[She can't put this off any longer. Ever since the debacle with Legato, Aradia's been away from the castle (albeit well within Dead Zone boundaries) trying to keep herself busy, with limited success. Finally, though, she has decided to come back and get it over with.]

apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]

AA: hey
AA: i know we havent talked much lately
AA: and ive done a lot of stupid things over the past few weeks
AA: foremost among which is not talking to you
AA: and not saying im sorry
AA: ...
AA: ill understand if you dont want to talk still
AA: but
AA: if so then please tell me
AA: i do miss talking to you
AA: and i am sorry
AA: for everything
AA: you deserve better than that

sollux captor, aradia megido

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