
Jul 31, 2011 23:24

[Pharos has found himself in the frequently empty castle graveyard, seated atop one Akihiko Sanada's gravestone. He's leaning back, hands holding the rest of him up as he peers at the sky. Anyone that's been wandering outside may notice that he's been there for quite awhile today, simply watching time pass. But eventually the time for his departure draws nearer, and Pharos pulls his journal out of what appears to be thin air, and flips to a random page. After a moment of thought, he sets up a filter, and begins speaking.]

[ Akihiko ]

It seems it has been some time now since you left the Castle, does it not Akihiko? ...I must admit, I had thought that you might return to the here quickly, considering how long that you and I were here together; but it would seem that I was mistaken... and you are no longer here. It is nearly August now, and I am uncertain of just how long you have been gone at this point.

I wonder if you will receive this message if you ever return to the Castle, or if this would merely be what most people consider "talking to oneself"? You would likely say that it is, but I suppose it does not matter at this point, does it? No one seems to know if those that have left ever actually receive these messages, so I may as well speak as though I'm talking to you.

[He falls silent, staring down at the journal, his expression thoughtful.]

...I have come to realize that I have so many different memories from residing within this place that I can call "my own". More than I ever expected to have, let alone with any right to. And I shared a number of them with you and Minato; but now you and he have both left, and even though Minato has returned, I am the only one left with these memories. But you and I will meet again, will be not Akihiko? Regardless of whether or not you return to this place; Even if that meeting has already come to pass for you, there will yet be another at the end of your journey.

When that time comes, I hope that we may greet each other happily, even if the occasion will be sad for many others. ...Do take care until then.

I am afraid that I do not have the time to continue for now, however; so I will speak to you in the future, Akihiko.

[ /filter ]

[He hops off the headstone a moment later, and when he lands Pharos flips his journal shut.]

After all... it is not often that I have 'business' to attend to within the Castle.

((ooc; Kind of open? Feel free to bother Pharos in the graveyard before he begins his little journal-speech, please! Also, backdated to before Pharos's arrival at the funeral.))


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