[just because Barney realizes that he kind of upset Crowley by not trying to rescue him from therapy - and actually DOES feel bad about it in retrospect - doesn't mean he's about to come right out and admit it.
instead, by way of apology, he's going to be a good little demon protege. anyone who turns their computers on and tries to get to CastleNet today will be treated to a video he took of one of his newest baristas at the WildKat.
It's only a tiny clip, cleverly edited to loop, with a
particular catchy song looping over it.
AND YOU CAN'T NAVIGATE AWAY FROM IT. the most you can do is turn the monitor off and walk away.
yeah. he's awesome. and he'll go about his business for the day like nothing even happened]
... So why are people all worked up over a handgun, again?