Evidence Mounting

Jul 23, 2011 15:54

[Filters away from First Gens, Riful's Allies/People Who Want to Help Riful, and.... well you know that Filter Louis used? Yeah, that one.]

I am not sure how many of you know this, but Hinata and I have followed the clues provided on the map Louis Lane discovered in Riful's room. While I had my prayers that what we would find would be nothing... that is not the case.

The things we have discovered are worrying, even disturbing. We began in the south-west area away from the castle toward the Dead Zone and continued clockwise from there up into the north-west direction.

First is a tattered white dress. Hinata and I have discerned it probably belonged to a young lady - either an older child or a young woman. We found no body, just the dress, but perhaps that is more worrisome that finding an actual body, given whom we are dealing with.

The next is several instances of large areas of forest that are, for lack of a better word, shredded in a circular pattern. We measure the diameter to be about 100 feet. Within this circle was another circle made of holes carved from the earth, each about 20 feet deep and varying widths. It is possible they were made by swords, but equally possible this is not so.

We plan to explore more and see if there is anything for us to find beside this, though I admit, I would not expect anything heartening. If anyone else is interested in helping us with this, it would be welcomed as well, though it is understandable if for now you wish to keep a distance.

Hinata and I will set out for another round of exploration in the North and North-East sections tomorrow.

At the least, I would suggest we all start preparing.

ashura-ou, hyuuga hinata

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