Jul 21, 2011 23:57

I am fully aware right now isn't the best timing for a plan like this. However, I wanted you all to carefully consider it, before agreeing. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tess Mercer.

The expeditions, while...Interesting, aren't very effective. A large group makes evidence hard to collect, and in the case that was going to Lente's Point...Impossible to weed out the needless questions, and get the right one's asked. Not enough time and too many all clambering to do it.

You have all shown great interest in leading expeditions, attending them or shown up on the report created by Lois more than once. I am asking you to consider heading up smaller expeditions with me, and possibly a few others to gather information.

I want the best for the residents and certainly have no intention of keeping anything we find a secret. I also don't have any interest in halting the other expeditions altogether. I'm sure the have their uses, especially when you consider restless residents. Once a few times a month, to head out a smaller group takes less prep time, and I think we'll do better. You're all more than qualified to handle it.

Anything you need to know from me, just ask.

[She hasn't asked everyone she planned on, because she's sure it would look strange if it was too planned, instead of just a random idea. And if she offered her motivations]

tess mercer

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