rose: fight the throes of boredom

Jul 19, 2011 19:37

[Rose is bored. Bored, and cramped. She isn't used to living around so many other people, and it's gone from interesting to irritating very quickly. So for the past few days, she's been spending as much time as possible up on the roof, enjoying the one good thing she's found about this place - the wishes. The castle gave her a violin, and occasional mismatched notes are coming through the journal every now and then, like someone who wants to play a song but isn't sure what.

She pauses.]

I marvel at the will of those who have been stuck here for years without losing their sanity. Your strength is admirable.

[Said in the driest voice possible, of course, before she goes back to her music.]

((ooc: completely open))

rose lalonde

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