009 » Jade: Try not to cough up hairballs.

Jul 12, 2011 19:15

[ There is a tiny black and white kitty in the lobby. It has a very familiar pair of glasses and bright green eyes. Poor thing looks pretty scared.

So scared, in fact, that she is trying to hide underneath things. ]

jade harley

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justcharles July 13 2011, 05:09:20 UTC
[Guess who happens to ride around in a thing able to be hidden under? THIS GUY. He's derping around the lobby, mostly people-watching, as is a hobby of his. He'll notice the tiny kitty, and smile, already sensing the human consciousness hiding in the tiny, fuzzy frame.]

Well hello there! You must be a castle resident under the effects of a loss, unless I'm very much mistaken. It's a pleasure to meet you.

[He'll lean over and hold a hand out for Jade to sniff.]


frostandfrogs July 18 2011, 20:09:17 UTC
[wait there's a person on top of this thing she is handing underneath akjghaekjg

she backs away in FEAR and then stops. what did he say?

she crawls forward uncertainly to touch his hand and mews. that's right! she is! help. ;~;]


Laaaaate >_> justcharles July 21 2011, 15:53:48 UTC
[Charles will lean over as far as he can in his wheelchair, which is to say not quite far enough to reach Jade, and hold his hands down in front.]

If you'll crawl out from under there, I can pick you up and set you on my lap. That way, we can be properly acquainted, yes? It's much safer than hiding underneath, I promise.


even later because sob, LJ why. frostandfrogs July 29 2011, 22:14:35 UTC
[her ear twitches and she slowly backs away so that she's more in his line of sight. instead of underneath.

then she scurries around the chair and up his leg. it's okay, she has tiny kitty claws that don't hurt too much. and now she's on his knee, mewing.]


S'all good =3 justcharles July 29 2011, 22:31:01 UTC
[Even if Jade had bigger claws, Charles wouldn't feel them anyway. Nevertheless, he'll give Jade ear scritchies, smiling.]

There, that's better now, isn't it? My name's Charles, and I suppose I'll learn your name once your true form has been restored to you. How anyone could mistake you for anything else is beyond me, considering your glasses. Are you hungry, by chance?


<3 frostandfrogs July 29 2011, 23:42:48 UTC
[eeeeee ear scritchies. she purrs happily.

she mews again! boy, this guy sure is smart! thank god! she's tired of being pulled and chased by people who think she is a real cat.

she meows and headbutts his hand. affirmative!]


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