008 » Jade: Fly Away Now?????

Jun 29, 2011 19:30

[ who knows when the journal was opened. who knows anything any more. after that escapade into the pirates world, panty feels like she knows exactly jack shit right now. she's not bothered by the apparent mess around the whole castle, either.

good thing there are conveniently aged-up girls to traumatize while she's bored and rather annoyed. ]

Oi. The hell do you mean you've never worked a pole. Sh*t you're kinda on the heavy side, but some guys go for that.

H-Hey! Don't call me fat! And why would I be working on a pole? That sounds silly.

[ lol. oh so much lol. ]

Kid, ain't you ever heard of strippers?


Um... those are the ladies that dance, right?

[ it can't be seen over the journal, but panty blinks at jade for a few seconds before bursting into laughter ]

Yeah. Yeah, they're the bitches that dance.

[ there's a snort ]

Look, all I'm saying is that with an ass like yours, you'd make a killing dancing.

[Jade sounds sooo confused.]

Um. Please don't be looking there...

But I guess I could dance. It doesn't sound too hard.

[ it's too late for that, and the moment after jade asks panty not to look, there's a loud smack that can be heard. yep, panty just smacked now 18-year old jade's ass. ]

That's the @*&$in' spirit. Heh, check it.

[ SUDDENLY THERE'S TECHNO MUSIC PLAYING OVER THE JOURNALS!! and anyone in the lobby passing by can watch panty transform into an angel, complete with wings, a halo, a sudden level-up in artistic design and... stripper pole. ]

[Jade gives the most horrified little SQUEAK! in surprise at that. Oh god this is not okay????


What's happening.]

Where is that music coming from? And where did that come from...? I am so confused.


Hey, hey! Eyes on me! Look, I ain't this nice all the time, so this is a one-time lesson, got it?

[ with that, panty kicks the journal over as she starts to dance, ending the over-the-journals broadcast. ]

[[ooc; Jade = green, Panty = yellow/orange. Takes place like... a day after the end of the pirate plot. Jade has suffered an aging loss since the start of the pirate plot and has been hiding away ever since because WHAT DO WITH OLDER BODY THIS IS AWKWARD? But Panty found her and this happened, I guess. THE END.]]

jade harley, panty anarchy

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