fünf; voice/action

Jun 23, 2011 10:48

[acquaintances (aka people he's talked to at least once and on good terms with)]

I trust that you are all fine.

[The irritation in his voice is making it apparent that he himself isn't entirely.]



[Because Emil is super special and counts as much more than an acquaintance, he gets a filter of his very own.]

Faring well? Hopefully, you have not partaken in any drinking of alcoho-

[and then Weiss is cut off mid-sentence by dry heaves and retching. God, he just wants to throw up and get it over with. Yes, he pseudo-vomited mid-sentence. How he did that, it's best not to ask. WORST FOUR DAYS OF BEING A HUMAN EVER.]


[After that's all said and done, Weiss will be chilling near the edge. And by chilling, he means glaring at the sea intensely like he's going to throw up any minute, because knowing his luck, he will. Complaining all the while too.]

Ugh...naturally! Pirates and the like...no good can come out of it.

!pirates, grimoire weiss, !route a

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