[Cain was trapped, no way out without putting other lives at risk. The locks and codes that would be so easy to crack, were suddenly as impenetrable as if they were solid walls with no doors at all. How had this happened? How had his little brother become this thing so hell-bent on destruction that he couldn't even hear the voices of those closest to him? Threatened by Abel not to leave the base, he had to wonder with a sick sort of curiosity if those calling themselves 'Methuselah' would recognise him as a Commander as well...
Contra Mundi.
Both of them had been that, Seth as well, so much so that Abel was having trouble even picturing Cain as he should be. And now there was fighting throughout this world, people on both sides and innocents in the middle getting hurt. Why? It was senseless, pointless, horrific. He had his journal with him, but what could he have said? Words of warning seemed utterly redundant now, and the opposing side probably thought he was just as much Contra Mundi as Abel. But he couldn't just sit around here any longer, trapped and helpless as people got hurt -- as his own brother hurt people, so he found an empty room and dictated...]
[Filter: Anti-Methuselah] My name is Cain Knightlord, we may not know one another but I am Abel's brother. I'm asking you to please run if he approaches you, don't fight, it will only end in either you or he getting hurt and... he is not usually this way, he doesn't deserve to be hurt for this. He's keeping me in the base, he believes that I should be like him. I will do everything I can to convince those here that this fighting is not the way. [/Filter]
[Determined to at least try and speak to any of the Methuselah here and try and make them see sense, Cain is walking through the base keeping a sharp eye out around him. Sadly, his exploration is cut off by an ear-splitting explosion and then the sound of cracking brick, falling masonry as the base is decimated by a
Crusnik going insane.]
[ooc: Open over the journal before the explosion, or in person for anyone in the base after the explosion.]