Jun 02, 2011 14:15
[So, Captain Hammer...might have gotten himself lost in the forest in the past few weeks and just got back to the Castle. Not that he would...ever admit he was gone so long unintentionally. He totally meant to get lost. Totally.]
Greetings, citizens of Paradisa. How are you on this fine day, it seems I had taken a small vacation of sorts but never fear! I am here now to protect you from whatever evils may be lurking in the shadows of this place. You'll be much safer now that you have Captain Hammer here to protect you once more.
So if you need any sort of saving or protecting please, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to save you. You don't even have to thank me for it, I already know how grateful you must all be to have such a hero in your presence.
captain hammer