third cycle

May 30, 2011 19:37

[While still being cautious about his movements in the castle, Gibson was grateful for the recent influx of little people - sure, it was a completely foreign experience to him, but it had kept the castle largely occupied, especially Abraxas. As a result, he'd found himself cautiously exploring more and more of the castle grounds (though he still primarily kept his explorations to the night and the Insolitus during the day, as he really didn't like sunlight).

Eventually he'd found himself in the archives library and pored over dozens of books--none specific enough for his purposes, but from which he'd managed to pull a somewhat coherent picture of those things he was most curious about. It wouldn't hurt to have some further opinions, though, so eventually Gibson found himself asking the castle at large.]

All right, so this place is a magic castle. That's how everyone describes it, and it explains why the energy here seems a little different than energy on the Grid. As far as anyone can tell, the magic comes from the castle itself--and if you go far enough away, there's no magic at all.

With me so far? Good.

The magic here can turn into other kids of energy, like electricity or heat or food. [Yes, he thinks food is a form of energy.] When we're close to the castle, we can direct the magic to do whatever we want just with our thoughts, but this also gets harder the farther out you go, so if anyone wants to take a trip out far enough, they have to pack their own food. And it doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure, but the people in the city are either created by the magic or controlled by the magic and that's why they don't have free will. Or at least their free will is suppressed, which is downright wrong if you ask me.

[Gibson lets out an expansive sigh. He's getting distracted again, he can tell.]

So my question to you, Paradisans, is that if everything here is based on magic--

--why in the User's name is there that infernal sun?


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