attempt number twenty-five ♓ (dictated/action)

May 29, 2011 02:32

... I owe a lot of apologies.

peter petrelli )

claire bennet

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Claire Bennet custodismundi May 29 2011, 12:29:25 UTC
Are you alright, Claire...?

[he read Peter's note earlier in the week; was this really a loss? he isn't sure whether he's relieved or not til he figures out what, exactly, happened ;(]


Abel autophoenix May 29 2011, 18:21:23 UTC
Better now. I -- Listen, Abel ... [ "I was kind of a bitch" is a lot harder to say when you're actually saying it. ]


Claire Bennet custodismundi May 29 2011, 18:45:56 UTC
Ahh, I'm really glad...! You had me worried for a bit, there...

[an exhale, like he'd been holding his breath.]

What's done is done, hm? You don't have to explain if you don't want to, but... if you need to talk, I'll be around. And we already know I'm pretty hard to miss.


Abel autophoenix May 31 2011, 10:43:57 UTC
Talking isn't really . . . I'm not sure that's a good idea. But, I could use some company, if you'll have me.


Claire Bennet custodismundi May 31 2011, 14:43:58 UTC
Of course...! I think I could handle that much. I have that bugging quota to meet, after all.

...Maybe over ice cream? [ice cream makes all your woes disappear, clearly.]


Abel autophoenix May 31 2011, 20:58:12 UTC
I don't really feel much like eating, but I'll sit with you.


Claire Bennet custodismundi June 1 2011, 16:12:00 UTC
[b... b'aww, Claire ;(]

Ah... I can settle for that. [fff ;; plotting ways to cheer up... gooo!]

Do you want to meet me in the lobby, again?


Abel autophoenix June 1 2011, 20:54:05 UTC
Yeah, sure. [ There's shuffling noises and a sigh in her tone. ] I'll head down there now.


Claire Bennet// lobby filter :> custodismundi June 1 2011, 21:58:49 UTC
Me, too. I'll see you soon, Claire?

[poor kiddo ;;

he'll be waiting in the lobby, when she gets there! with a surprise... he decided to whip out the heavy artillery and bring Adam along, who is all tangled up on his leash around one of his legs.] H-hey!! Knock it off! Behave yourself, would you?! You trip me and I'll-- feed you to the ducks--!!


lobby filter forever! autophoenix June 2 2011, 19:55:32 UTC
[ She heads down to meet up with him, spotting him easily thanks to Adam. She walks over, laughing, and picks Adam up to untangle him without hesitation. She looks up at Abel, still crouched to hold Adam, and smiles. ]

You didn't tell me you were bringing a friend.


yes that! custodismundi June 3 2011, 12:30:58 UTC
[aww, that's already much better. huhu. Abel is smiling as Adam, predictably, wiggles like a little monster trying to get at her face for KISSES AAH]

Oh, well... he's terribly rude, Claire. He just invited himself-- can you believe that?


autophoenix June 4 2011, 12:44:21 UTC
[ She laughs, nose scrunching as the dog tries to lick at her face and eventually she just starts laughing hard enough to put him down. It's a little hard, letting herself act happy around Abel, but by now she's the champion of it, and compartmentalizing helps. ]

Hey, I can't blame him. Who wouldn't want to spend time with less-crazy me? [ She crouches to pet Adam and babytalk at him. ] It's okay, little guy, I understand.


custodismundi June 10 2011, 13:19:30 UTC
Less-crazy you is very good company, I'll agree. Adam must have his master's refined tastes, don't you think?

[ah, Claire. he hopes she doesn't let this eat at her too much... ;( some days, he really hates this castle.]


autophoenix June 11 2011, 09:23:44 UTC
Definitely. I'm guessing it's where he got so good at the puppy eyes, too. [ She smiles up at Abel. ] I didn't know you had a dog.


custodismundi June 13 2011, 23:57:05 UTC
[wlekrjsf puppy eyes... he laughs a little, scratching his cheek with faux innocence.]

Ah-- well, actually... he's my brother's dog! He suckered me into buying this little guy for him during a world change to Los Angeles last year.


autophoenix June 14 2011, 07:00:59 UTC
I didn't know you had a brother. [ That gives her pause -- she doesn't know much about him. But she smiles. ] I'll have to bring Penny and Mr. Muggles to play with him sometime.


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