May 28, 2011 22:29
[Being a "parent" (or whatever) hadn't been as terrible for Hellboy as it had been for a lot of the other residents, apparently. Maybe he was cheating by raising a demon-alien hybrid baby, but. He didn't really care THE POINT IS, it was pretty easy.
Today, they are in the kitchen. Because today is the day for pancakes.]
[And 'pancakes' was obviously meant to be 'waffles' because that is what is stacked in front of a human-disguised Zim. He's munching on them slowly, but seems to be distracted by the HIDEOUS PANCAKES that are also on the table. He's occasionally throwing the other two disgusted looks, because pancakes are disgusting and would probably burn him horribly if they touched him.]
[James/Waffles/whatever it is is exceedingly happy, though! He's in a little highchair and has a gigantic stack of both pancakes and waffles slathered in syrup and butter in front of him, and despite only having one tooth he's having no problems chowing down!]
[Truly James/Waffes/whatever has the best of both worlds. If by 'both worlds,' we mean 'lol waffles suck pancakes 4lyfe.'
Hellboy has his own stack of pancakes, eying Zim suspiciously from the other side of the baby as he eats. This is ... family mealtime?? Okay whatever you guys.]
[ooc. open in person rawr!! come see the greatest family ever. hellboy, zim, wee baby james, aka WAFFLES THE DESTROYER]
invader zim