Host King's Fortieth Court

May 21, 2011 19:14

[This month when the Host Club doors open, the room seems to have defied spatial science again to appear as big as a whole forest. An enchanted forest, to be exact. The time was set at twilight, the last rays of a perfect sunset lingering in the sky with just enough light to show the way along the little trails branching off through the trees. There are four small trails, each one leading to a house in a tree, and each house containing some hosts in a tableaux of a fairy tale. The main trail leads to a magnificent castle.

House One - Italy, Hunny, Draco
This house is set up like a log cabin with an open plan kitchen and bedroom; there's a sign outside the door that says: Blondilocks and the three Pandas. Inside there are three hosts, Italy, Hunny and Draco all dressed in suits with panda hats. There is a big vat of honeyed porridge for them to serve up, as well as glasses of milk.

House Two - Haruhi, Allen, Jr.
This house looks more like the deck of a ship, and the another sign outside the door says: Paul Pan and Commodore Hook. On deck is Allen dressed like Paul Pan, Jr. is dressed like Commodore Hook and Haruhi is dressed like Tinkerbell. At one end of the ship there are several bottles with targets set up, and slingshots for those who want to test their skills!

House Three - Bossonova, Delta, John
This house has one main feature, a huge bed with many mattresses ready for the princess to sleep. Outside the door, the sign says: Princess and the Pea. Waiting attendance are Bossonova, Delta and John dressed in attendant's costume. There is pea soup on offer here, as well as the chance to try and find the pea under one of the mattresses!

House Four - Carl, Lavi, Gino
Inside this house is what looks like a gem mine with the sign outside that says: Snowy Whitish and the Three Little People. Inside the mine are Carl, Lavi and Gino dressed in these lovely outfits. Here you can bob for apples or go gem hunting!

Castle - Tamaki, Kyouya
On entering the castle, there is Kyouya stood at the top of a sweeping staircase that leads down to a ballroom; he is dressed as a footman to announce the guests and, of course, gather information on them and direct them to the delightful buffet of food and drink. In the main ballroom stands Tamaki, as every fairy tale prince ever, resplenent in the outfit he was born to wear~]

[ooc: Open! Post will be divided into sections, please threadjack in your section. Hosts talk to other hosts in their house and customers. SO TALK TO EVERYONE EVER! Customers can go to more than one house, feel free to go to them all! Please wait for sections to go up! Done!]

!host club, suoh tamaki

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