twenty-fifth labyrinth

May 18, 2011 11:33

[Backdated to yesterday - right after this]

[It was rather hard to miss the thunderous boom and the panicked screams of townspeople. Some people might have argued the sense of going towards what they were fleeing, but if this was something to be concerned about, knowing was better than being caught by surprise.

The street was a mess. Parts of it actually seeming to be missing, one shopfront was partially collapsed, and....oh.

There was no mistaking that for a townsperson.

Felix hurries over to Karen's unconcious form. There was no sign of whatever might be responsible. For all he knew she simply got into a fight with the pavement.

Tentaively he tries to jostle her awake]

Can you hear me? Are you alright?

[Stupid question. Of course not.

She probably needed a clinic and...was that somebody on the roof?]

You! Up there! She needs some help!

[That could just as easily be whoever did this, Felix. Think.

He pulls out his journal, not bothering to filter]

Anyone who works in the clinic, we have an injured resident in town that needs assistance...

[He sighed and stared down at her, wondering how he was going to move her. So much for a pleasant lunch]

((ooc: Feel free to join in for general rescuing type things. Felix has no idea what to do))

felix harrowgate, karen starr (power girl)

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