May 18, 2011 01:46
[forward-dated to Wednesday morning, around 7 AM. Barney's parked behind the counter of the WildKat, having distributed flyers around the castle lobby and kitchen on his way down into town. now that he's got his latte and the registers counted and open, it's time to get down to business]
Okay, so, here's the deal, all you morning people. The WildKat's hiring again. BIG time. You don't even really have to know a bunch about coffee, we've got people here who can train you. If you want a job, the pay's good, the hours are good, and the perks are AWESOME. Plus, hey. You get to work for me. Come on down or shoot me a line over the journal if you're up for it.
[as he's waiting for replies to that, he'll tap his pencil idly against the bare-bones staff schedule he's been picking at, then flip his journal back open and scribble in a filter]
[People Who Have Spoken To Ted Mosby, But Would Be Totally Awesome And Not Tell Him They Participated In This Conversation]
What sort of stuff can you tell me about Ted Mosby? The castle kinda made me forget him, so. I've gotta fake it till I make it. I was his best friend, back home, and I don't wanna break his heart. He flipped out bad enough just getting here.
[/Ted Filter]
barney stinson