032 years late

May 17, 2011 23:29

[The journal picks up rustling and an intake of breath as someone wakes up from an unexpected slumber. New resident? Noooot quite. Yuan's voice carries through the journal...]

What? Where am I? The castle. Still in the castle. Good. But something's different... [a pause as he looks down] What?! I've regenerated? No, no, I'd remember, wouldn't I? Well, it's not as if I remember the last time, is it. But [he picks up a lock of long hair] I'M A GIRL?! No, wait, hang on. [hands grope at his chest and feels for an adam's apple] Okay, false alarm... again.

Wait... waaaaiiitwaitwaitwaitwait [his hand goes to his chest again. One heart. One. Heart. NOT GOOD. He scrambles to get out of bed, but he's taller than he's used to and ends up tangled in the sheets and falling in an uncoordinated heap on the floor. He manages to rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling]


((ooc: Loss Tiem for Eleven! Open over the journal, or if anyone cares to come check on poor Yuan who seems to have lost his marbles. And I'm still catching up, I swear!))

eleventh doctor

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