[filter to Jilly, Rin;]
[after thoroughly stalking Karen's entry, Abel is... concerned, to say the least. his recent trip to the manor and the consequences afterward have left him with something of an epiphany regarding Legato, Riful and Arthas... and, more importantly, their effects on Paradisa at large.
he had no idea how deeply all of this ran.
and he doesn't like it.]
Whatever you're doing... make time to come to the church this afternoon at three. We need to talk. [that isn't a request ;/] [/filter]
[filter to Zelman;]
[and YOU. why is YOUR name constantly popping up in conjunction with his precious people? hearing it aligned with Legato's -- and, more importantly, Cain's -- was one step too far, buddy.]
Mr. Clock; it's been a while, hasn't it? I hope you're doing well!
I was hoping we might have a word, when you get the chance? Perhaps over tea, somewhere in town? Doesn't that sound nice~? [/filter]
[filter to Legato;]
Mr. Bluesummers... I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot, don't you? You didn't seem terribly pleased with my company at the manor, and it was rather rude to intrude like that...
Maybe you'd entertain the idea of allowing me to make it up to you? I bet you like coffee, hm? I hear there's a cafe with a particularly delicious brew we could try! What do you say? [/filter]
[filter to Miss Tomoe;]
Himura Kenshin seems like a very nice man, Miss Tomoe. [yeah... you totally forgot to mention your husbando had arrived. IT MUST HAVE SLIPPED YOUR MIND.] [/filter]
[room filter;]
[this morning, Abel is up early, for once. THE WORLD MUST BE ENDING OH GOD DUCK FOR COVER... but! he's decided it's time for some famiree times, so the smell of food is wafting through their little humble abode. waffles and fruit, eggs, toast, some pancakes and syrups, croissants and jams... and a priest in a frilly pink apron with batter and jelly smeared on his nose and hands. he just can't cook without making a mess... his poor kiddos.
once everything is ready, he's even got it all arranged on trays and coming to deliver them one by one. son... dauder... big brother... rise and shine!] [/filter]
[and after breakfast but before his meeting with certain people of interest, there is an Abel in the lobby (no, no disguises this time). he's got a tiny puppy on a leash bouncing excitedly around like a crazy thing who will totally lick the crap out of you should you come ANYWHERE NEAR HIM TASTING PEOPLE IS AMAZING GUYS -- but the priest himself looks preoccupied, papers scattered on one of the tables where he's seated on a couch. he's tapping end of his pen against his chin thoughtfully, frowning in focused thought before...
MOANING DRAMATICALLY and tossing the papers in his hands up into the air wily-nily, flopping back into the couch with a huff. WHINING for benefit of lobby-goers and journalers alike:]
Why on God's green earth did Miss Yukiko think leaving the Okami salon to me would be a good idea?! She even made fun of my hair while she was here...
Someone deliver me from this torment--! I'm not cut out for this kind of thing... [you know. real work. GOD.]
[ooc: open for the lobby or journal!