attempt number twenty-three ♓ (action/dictated)

May 15, 2011 02:51

[ It's circa 10 A.M. Claire appears in the lobby looking pretty disoriented. She has a high caliber, loaded handgun in her hand and it's aimed directly out in front of her -- for a moment, at least. Surprise flickers pretty quickly over her face and she draws it back closer to her by bending her elbow a little and pointing it skyward instead, looking around to observe her surroundings.

It's fancy. Too fancy for anywhere she'd be on assignment, especially. But something about it seems familiar … Slowly, she lowers the gun down to her side as the pieces start to fall into place and she shuffles her feet to turn to take in more of the lobby. ]

Not this again … Peter, what did you do? [ She reaches back to tuck her handgun, still ready to fire (not that she cares) into the back of her tight black jeans carelessly, and begins moving through the castle. Paradisa. It'd been a long time since she saw this place, but now that she's back, some of it she can still remember -- like a distant memory. Or maybe it's that she can just remember it again now. Whichever it was, it's still staunchly clear to Claire that it was a different lifetime, everything that happened here before, even if nothing looks different. She's different.

Eventually she makes it back up to the room that used to be hers to find that her name plate's still on the door. She may not be sure how she feels about it, but she does know what it means. Walking inside, the whole thing looks entirely untouched, and it's … eerie. Talk about a blast from the past. She walked inside and found the journal lying open on her desk.

Without thinking twice, she sits down, and talks to it like an old friend. Her voice, however, is colder now. Stiffer, despite being still so recognizably Claire Bennet. ]

I'm back. And I need one of you to help me find Peter Petrelli.

[ ooc; Info on Claire's loss can be found here for those confused! Feel free to run into her in the lobby pre-journal post, or just the journal post part. "Not this again ... Peter, what did you do?" is not caught on the journal, just to clarify. ]

claire bennet

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