==> Embark.

May 14, 2011 15:19


[It's Friday, of course. Totally Friday! We're not late. And that means it's time for the Insolitus expedition to begin.

Game grub: check.
Supplies: check.
Sweet costumes: check.
Dice: check.

Let's get this show on the road.]

- Day 1: Mingling ==> Beginning the Adventure
- Day 2: In which minor complications arise
- Day 3: Miniboss A, Miniboss B, Miniboss C ==> LOST ROOM

((ooc: hang on a second while i set up sections! GOOD TO GO! Party thread, threadjack a lot, tag yourself in, etc. etc. etc.
Also there is a chat channel! Pop into AIM chatroom insolitus at any time to plot!))

ted mosby, combat instructor alleyne, bridget, minato arisato, tatsuya suou, monkey d. luffy, karkat vantas, altair ibn-la'ahad, amoretta virgine, raiden, aradia megido, courage, sollux captor, arwen undómiel, equius zahhak, gibson

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