May 14, 2011 21:10
[Rainbow Dash has settled in a tree with her journal. Ever seen a pony in a tree? Come outside now and you can.]
So, hey. Some of you humans can fly, right?
[She hasn't quite grasped the subtle differences between humans and aliens and the other various beings in Paradisa. Until she gets more used to things, anyone who looks like a human qualifies as a human.]
The big question is, can you fly fast? Because this place is all right, but there's been a serious lack of any kind of race or competition since I showed up. Come on, I gotta show off my stuff!
[She bounces off the tree branch in excitement, accidentally knocking the journal to the ground as she does a quick loop. Then she flies back down, grabs the journal in her teeth, and noses it open to see if anyone has replied.]
rainbow dash