
May 12, 2011 21:52

[Filtered away from anyone who doesn't have the best interests of the residents at heart]

[The following is carefully and clearly written into the journal:]

Attention, people of Paradisa:

Many of you have probably noticed by now, the castle is not always kind, and neither are your fellow residents. While it's true that Paradisa has generally been, ( Read more... )


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written and filtered; thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 05:54:56 UTC
[The following is written in plain print.]

I am interested in joining your efforts.

Name: Melorian
Profession at home: Wizard
Supernatural abilities, if any: Elven sight and hearing.
Fighting capabilities, if any - include preferred weapons: Arcane magic. I can use a sword and staff if I have to, and I can hold my own unarmed for some time.
Other skills, knowledge, and/or traits that might be of value: I have a good grasp of strategy, experience, and stamina.


filtered forever cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 05:58:28 UTC
[so many damned elves in this castle. ahem, must be professional]

Very well, Melorian, welcome to the Patrol. Your information and communication device will be delivered to your room by the ghosts shortly. Do you have any questions?


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 06:04:12 UTC
[He's not even a real elf. HAHA. Anyway, it's not even much concentration for Krasus to trick his nameplate into reading something else for the ghosts.]

Thank you.

[This was disturbingly easy. Even that filter might not be good enough to keep Deathwing out.]

Are you the leader?


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 06:06:41 UTC
No, [not technically] but I am taking charge of the reorganization. Tony Stark is officially the leader, but I have some experience in these matters, and he has other projects that require his skills lately.


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 06:11:46 UTC
Very well. Who am I speaking to?

[Seriously, leave your name somewhere!]

Ah. And when will I receive a schedule?


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 06:14:12 UTC
I'm Yuan. [He has big important castle things to do, so what if he forgets to sign his name to it]

Once I have an idea of how many new recruits we need to accommodate this week.


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 06:17:54 UTC
It is a pleasure to meet you. [It's called being courteous. Then again, elves aren't supposed to know what that is.]

I will look for it.


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 06:21:35 UTC
Likewise, I'm sure. [It's said without any actual interest, just for the sake of politeness. He does know how, see? Sort of. But hell, the elf-who-isn't is being all mysterious, too, so he can just deal if Yuan doesn't quite trust him.]


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 06:37:27 UTC
[Hmm. It's a long moment before Krasus says anything, or writes for that matter.

But sure as the sun, the print appears on the page again.]

It is a relief to have some organization in this place, some security. I have sensed great darkness at work around the castle, and I thought it would only be a matter of time before something bad happened. I hope my meager powers can help you all in some way...


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 06:42:12 UTC
[Hm. Maybe he's just stiff, as elves tend to be, and not being mysterious on purpose. Yuan will give him the benefit of the doubt. For now.]

It's always only a matter of time, and I'm glad to have all the help we can get.


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 06:48:10 UTC
[Just as keikaku.]

I think many difficult things can be accomplished as long as we stand together to face them. Perhaps the situation is different across our respective worlds, but this I have seen with my own eyes.


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 07:17:11 UTC
[Krasus you slippery creature]

We just need to provide people a place to go, a structure that they can lean on, and they'll come together when we need them.

[He's seen it happen...but he's also seen it fail to happen. Revamping the Patrol is just stacking the odds a bit more in their favor.]


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 07:52:16 UTC
[ :) ]

That does sound reasonable. Admittedly, I would feel safer if there were some measure of prevention involved in this, but such a thing is difficult to organize without solid leadership.

[Oh so many layers to this conversation...]


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 07:57:04 UTC
[Ouch, man. Have just a little chill in his tone.] Prevention is difficult in a setting like this regardless of leadership, but it is something we'll be working toward in the future. Right now, we need to shore up the foundations before we start overreaching ourselves.


thelifemeddler May 13 2011, 08:05:56 UTC
Of course. All things in time, as they say.

[He only hopes it will not be too late. For now he'll keep an eye on the Peace Patrol's progress, and perhaps gently tug things in a more constructive direction... if needed.

But now, time to thaw that chill in his voice with words. Words, words, words... and a million faces. That's Krasus.]

People come and go with much frequency. That you would even attempt this is admirable in its own right.


cloakand_danger May 13 2011, 08:11:17 UTC
[...He doesn't want to like you after what you just implied, and he's starting to get just a tiiiiny bit suspicious if only because his mood keeps changing with every comment, and that sets off a subconscious warning signal. But he's settling down anyway, almost against his will.

When in doubt, deny any personal pride.]

Someone has to, that's all.


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