
Apr 27, 2011 23:24

Um, after...spending a while talking about doing this with someone... I-I've been wondering if...if...

[Tug. Tug. Why doesn't this door open? First the main entrance doors, and now this one as well. This...isn't a funny prank.]

If, um. Well, we had been talking about getting out and enjoying the...the, um...

[Well, if pulling doesn't work... She ( Read more... )

hyuuga hinata

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written; haruno April 29 2011, 01:08:52 UTC
Hinata-chan, what were you saying about the doors?


dictated sunnyheiress April 30 2011, 04:57:20 UTC
Um, it shouldn't be anything really... Just that a few seem to be jammed. Or much more difficult to open..


this combo forever haruno May 2 2011, 01:42:35 UTC
I haven't noticed that myself, where are you right now?


yep, yep sunnyheiress May 6 2011, 02:41:54 UTC
[There's a very soft sigh.]

I-I think it may just be me, then... A few others have been able to as well. And, right now? I'm...trying the door to my bedroom again.


haruno May 6 2011, 08:29:37 UTC
Let me check something out--

[ A door is recorded as opening. Then closing. ]

Want me to head over and see if it's a one-door only problem?


sunnyheiress May 7 2011, 18:22:17 UTC
[That now makes it three other people. She sighs.]

No, really don't have to, Sakura-chan. This...this isn't the only door I haven't been able to open.


haruno May 8 2011, 08:27:40 UTC
Still, maybe I can help get them propped open for you?


sunnyheiress May 8 2011, 14:55:15 UTC
Oh, you... You really don't have to if you don't want to.'s fine. I can still open windows, and use them. I've already bothered a few others, I-I wouldn't want to do it to you, too.


haruno May 13 2011, 06:25:42 UTC
It's not a bother, Hinata-chan.

[ On her waaaaay and showing up soon! Waving when she gets there. ]


sunnyheiress May 14 2011, 05:15:08 UTC
[So fast! But she's grateful enough to wave back with a small smile. Though she could use the windows, it does take a lot longer than going through a door.]

Were you nearby? I-I am very sorry about this...


haruno May 18 2011, 07:05:26 UTC
[ She was and wasn't, though Sakura just nods and flashes Hinata a smile as she comes over to the door. Let's see...



Opening it isn't a problem for her. Looks like a loss indeed.

She opens the door, stands to the side, and smiles at Hinata.

She knows this has to be annoying, even if Hinata isn't the sort to show as much. ]


sunnyheiress May 23 2011, 03:07:08 UTC
[Fourth time this has happened, and still she can't help feeling embarrassed whenever someone else has no issues doing something so simple. But she does her best to smile back.]

Thank you, Sakura-chan. Um, maybe we should find something to prop it open with we don't have to do this again.


haruno May 23 2011, 05:17:18 UTC
[ She thinks about it... and makes a wish to the castle.

A thin piece of wood clatters to the floor in front of her, and she frowns.

A little doorstop falls down not long afterward. She looks over at Hinata... then shrugs, smiling partially. That works? Maybe? ]


sunnyheiress May 23 2011, 05:55:31 UTC
[She bends down and grabs the doorstop, looking it over in her hands. Then to the door. It could work, especially for the next few days.]

Only one way to find out...

[And she kneels down and starts setting that doorstop. Because if it doesn't work, it will come down to using windows and wall-walking to get into her room.]


haruno May 23 2011, 07:48:50 UTC
[ Sakura keeps a hand on the door for the duration, just in case it tries to get any ideas. When the stop's in place, she lets go, and steps away.

Does it hold? ]


sunnyheiress May 26 2011, 02:38:40 UTC
[And it holds!

And for the first time she does offer a true grateful smile.]

Thanks again, Sakura-chan. I-I don't know why I didn't think of it before. [Even though she does.]


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