
May 09, 2007 22:03


Ed feels funny today! She's not sure what it is, but it's weeeeeeird.

Ed is hungry! Someone should come have lunch with Ed. Like Eli, Hector-man, Jack, Lucy, or Sora! Waaaah... Ed hasn't seen anyone in a whi-

[Transcibed sound of Ed yelling, Ein barking, and a few thuds]

[From far away, several minutes later] Ow ow ow ow! How did Ed fall?! Owwwww....

((ED'S FIRST LOSS! And it's her agility. D: Poor thing.

ALSO. Silverbolt returns to normal Monday. Anyone who wants to play with him (since I'm so not busy anymore) is free to poke me. :D ))

edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv

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