
Apr 20, 2011 01:31

[It is time... for hideousness. Sanji is feeling charitable, so he's selling cupcakes to passersby out in town at a little horrible kiosk he's set up! It's 5 caisos a cake, ladies get two for the price of one OR for the price of a laugh! Isn't that amazing? Yes, he thinks so, and they're really good cupcakes, too.]

Oi, miss! Have a cupcake! Sir, come and buy a delicious treat! All money goes toward a worthy cause!

[ooooooc: Yep. Cupcakes. But this is also a post kicking off a temp loss, horjay! Sanji considers himself so smooth with the ladies, and that needs a change: for the duration of this post, and for a few days to come, any time he attempts to be a lover and not a fighter, what comes out of his mouth will be a hideous pick-up line instead of his usual... poetry... so have fun with that.]


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