Apr 18, 2011 10:26
[The page before you has begun to fill with messy scrawl. As if someone hasn't been writing for a long time, or perhaps they are simply an artistic person.]
Bonsoir, uh, journal!
Inspector Teddie reporting!
I've just returned to the scene of the crime! ...After finding nothing... At least nothing that makes beary much sense to me!
There appears to be quite a few people here, that appeared just like me! But no one could help me find my fur... I don't understand, they say the castle probably took it! Why would a castle take my beautiful fur??
Can a castle be jealous and want something that doesn't belong to it? It's all veeeerry strange... And it sounds like I might never get to see my fur again! My soft luxurious fur...! Why would it even bring moi here?
[The pencil scribbles a little on the page as Teddie pauses thoughtfully, trying to wrap his mind around all of this again.]
...A bear-napping castle?
Then there was you, journal. I found you when I got here, it's pawfully strange. So full of writing, but just when I think I'm writing on the last page, there's another right behind it! It's like magic! The people I ran into say that it connects to everyone else's journal, so is anyone else reading this? Does it really work like that?
It's still kind of scary though, what if I'M the only one here...? The fur on my head and the back of my neck is all tingly just thinking about it.
[There is obvious stress on the pencil, as Teddie presses the lead a little harder to write more boldly, perhaps to instill a little more confidence in himself during the current situation.]
But I'm going to be a brave bear, I'm sure there's an answer for what's going on.
I'll just put my nose to the grind, and get to the bottom of it!
Just like Sensei and the others would!
Said it before and I'll say it again, feel free to let me know if I'm off at all, I'm 100% open to suggestions and opinions if I ever seem OOC