004 - Bringing the First Taste of the Spring

Apr 15, 2011 15:25

[Ten's gone walking through the castle today, curious to explore the building that's causing them all so much fuss. He doesn't make it very far, though, before he spots a single acorn sitting right in the middle of the lobby.

Funny... it wasn't quite the right season for acorns, was it?

Picking it up, he'll turn it over in his palm, when he notices ( Read more... )

tenth doctor

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covetly April 15 2011, 21:00:26 UTC
[ :> guess who happens upon you, misterrrr ]



n0secondchances April 15 2011, 21:04:25 UTC
Hmm? Yes, that'd be me. [slightly distracted, as he's looking at curious little soot sprites. But he sits up at his name...and grins when he recognizes her] Amoretta! Wonderful! I'd been meaning to come and find you. Settling in alright?


covetly April 15 2011, 21:07:23 UTC
I've been fine. What are you doing? [ here she tilts her head just a bit :> ]


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:16:44 UTC
I'm very glad to hear that. You're liking the castle, I hope?

[he pauses at her question, looking back down at the couch] Well, I thought I saw something moving. Or, rather, I know I saw it. But when I looked under here, I found something else all together. Want to take a look?

They're rather harmless, I think.


covetly April 16 2011, 02:31:29 UTC
Yes, it's nice here. Even if strange things happen and the ghosts make me a l little nervous... [ sob )8 but she looks up and nods anyway, curiosity piqued ]


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 03:19:37 UTC
Ah...the ghosts do take some getting used to, yeah? But they're rather helpful, all things considered.

[he'll motion for her to join him at the couch, peering down at all the little eyes peeking from the shadows]


covetly April 16 2011, 04:22:40 UTC
[ she'll walk right over then and kneel on the couch, placing her hands gently on the back of it as she peers over ]

They're much different than the ghosts back home.


n0secondchances April 19 2011, 01:23:28 UTC
So you had them back home? Really? What were they like, then?

[and, while he talks, he'll work on ushering one of the little creatures onto his palm]


covetly April 19 2011, 04:24:35 UTC
[ And this she watches with great fascination! ]

Well... To be honest they were a bit strange. I don't know a lot about Necromancy, but something about them was familiar. [ since ghosts and holy beings were similar :> ]


n0secondchances April 19 2011, 05:34:37 UTC
Necromancy. Really? Where the ghosts purposefully brought back in your world, then?

[ah! There we go. Triumphant, he'll lift his hand, one of the little soot sprites balanced there]


covetly April 19 2011, 05:38:19 UTC
Yes. Miss Opalneria is one of the professors back home that teaches it... [ but then she trails off in favor of this new little thing *^* so cute ]

...What is it?


n0secondchances April 19 2011, 05:55:23 UTC
[brightly] No idea!

[pulling something from his pocket] There's one way to find out, however.

[and, starting his sonic screwdriver, he'll scan the little creature the same way he'd scanned her flask when they found her]


covetly April 19 2011, 06:12:30 UTC
Oh...the noise again. [ :> it's so neat! She'll watch with fascination as he work that over the tiny puff ball of soot ]


n0secondchances April 20 2011, 21:25:18 UTC
[the little creature seems less than fond, shivering on his palm for a second before rolling off and back towards the safety of the shadows under the couch. Ten, however, looks completely okay with this fact.]

Fascinating! I must say, this place certainly doesn't lack for surprises.


covetly April 20 2011, 22:05:44 UTC
What is it?


n0secondchances April 25 2011, 08:06:33 UTC
It's soot! It's a creature made entirely of soot.


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