004 - Bringing the First Taste of the Spring

Apr 15, 2011 15:25

[Ten's gone walking through the castle today, curious to explore the building that's causing them all so much fuss. He doesn't make it very far, though, before he spots a single acorn sitting right in the middle of the lobby.

Funny... it wasn't quite the right season for acorns, was it?

Picking it up, he'll turn it over in his palm, when he notices ( Read more... )

tenth doctor

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action; whichswan April 15 2011, 20:51:07 UTC
[ Nina has been walking around the Castle, poking around the hallways and public areas to get used to her new home, find out where stuff are. Reaching the lobby, she looks up to admire the grand chandelier, not noticing the man lying on the floor before her. Nina stumbles on him with a gasp. ]

Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry--I wasn't looking!


n0secondchances April 15 2011, 20:53:55 UTC

[startled, the Doctor is up on his feet with surprising speed, reaching out to steady her] Sorry about that... Are you quite alright? No bumps or bruises?


whichswan April 15 2011, 20:57:05 UTC
[ Nina stares at him with an open mouth for a few seconds too long, her brain still trying to process what happened. She steps away from him. ]

Uhm. I'm fine. I'm sorry.


n0secondchances April 15 2011, 21:06:51 UTC
Oh, never mind that. No harm done. I don't suppose the lobby is the best of places to be lying about. But I'd just noticed the most curious little things. [his mind already backtracking to the little sprites]


whichswan April 15 2011, 21:08:26 UTC
[ She bites her lip in hesitation. ]

The little eyes? I thought it was just me...


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:12:20 UTC
Just you? No, it seems we've managed to acquire a few curious guests.

[crouching down by the couch again, he places his hand under it and, after a moment, manages to get two of then onto his palm so he can lift them up into the light] There you are! Hallo.


whichswan April 16 2011, 01:17:21 UTC
[ Nina tilts her head curiously as the man reaches below the couch to retrieve... piles of soot. With eyes. She furrows her eyebrows at them, wondering what they are. At least her delusions seemed to have a reason, but this? ]

I hope they can't hurt us.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:22:17 UTC

[there's a second where he closes his eyes as if trying to sense... something... before opening them and smiling fondly at the little creatures]

Oh, I dont' think we've got anything to worry about from these little fellows. They're just a bit shy.


whichswan April 16 2011, 01:26:29 UTC

[ She repeats the word as if trying to gauge its meaning. Nina forces a little smile. ]

I don't know what to believe anymore.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:43:51 UTC
Yep! Shy. [setting them back on the ground, he'll stand, brushing his soot stained hands on his suit. At his feet, the little creatures dart back under the couch. When he moves away, though, they swarm out behind him, lingering just a foot or so back.]

And that's certainly understandable, finding oneself in a place like this. All sorts of things that are unbelievable on the surface.

I'm the Doctor, by the way.


whichswan April 16 2011, 01:47:29 UTC
[ Nina solemnly nods in reply, watching the little soot-people and wondering what is real and what is imagined. She turns to him with a polite smile at his introduction. ]

I'm Nina. It's nice to meet you, ...doctor.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:49:19 UTC
And nice to meet you, Nina. [a smile, but he's watching her consideringly, hands going to his pockets]

So what exactly are you questioning? Anything specific?


whichswan April 16 2011, 01:53:16 UTC
Huh? [ Her face turns worried and she takes a small step back from him. Nina looks away. ]

I'm fine.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 02:16:17 UTC
[he keeps his voice cheerful, turning his gaze to the room so it won't be so intent on her] Of course! Right. Wouldnt' imagine you to be anything less than fine.

But it is a bit disorienting, isn't it. Big castle. All sorts of wild and wonderful beings here. Things appearing out of thin air if you wish for them. I can certainly see wondering what, exactly, is real out of all of that.


whichswan April 16 2011, 02:22:57 UTC
[ Nina looks down at her own hands, feeling guilty that she snapped at him. ]

I'm sorry. It is, disorienting. I just wasn't sure who I can trust--what I can trust to be real.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 02:28:17 UTC
[if he notices that guilt (and he does) he doesn't show it.] Perfectly understandable.

Now, me? I know I'm real. Very, very real. Proving it does get to be the tricky part. There's all those things to test if you're in a dream.... can you read, whether or not things are in color, pinching yourself, remembering how you got from one place to the next. But it does get a bit muddled when you get thrown into a fantastic situation without being ready for it.

Me? I'm always ready for something fantastic.


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