~*Chapter 1*~ text;

Apr 14, 2011 21:55

Dear Princess Celestia...

You're writing a diary entry, Twilight. Not a letter.

Dear Diary,

This is kind of embarrassing, but I'm not in Ponyville anymore. I'm not really sure where I am. It's pretty, and it reminds me of the castle back home. It makes me a little bit homesick, actually.

I don't know if anyone else from home is here. I miss everyone already. At least I have my magic, even if I - well, I'll deal with not having my Cutie Mark anymore. It's better that than losing something like my horn or my mane or something like that.

I don't really recognize anyone, and I feel kind of like a seahorse out of water. I need to find a library, or see if I can find my books or a map or something.

So, I guess I'm off to do that. I'll write more later.

Your most devoted student

~ Twilight Sparkle

!intro, twilight sparkle

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