(no subject)

Apr 11, 2011 02:12

[ It's well after midnight and while Justinia should be sound asleep, she is instead running through the hallways as if her life depended on it. In her mind, at least at the moment, it does. You see, she was startled out of sleep by a rather vivid nightmare, one so horrible that she was unable to curl up and go back to sleep.

There was only one person she wanted to see right now! Sheepishly, while scrubbing at her eyes to make herself a bit more presentable, she knocks on the door belonging to her husband and tries to talk around her sniffles. It's not working so well, as her voice cracks a little. ]

P-please answer! It is Justinia!

[ ooc; Final loss post! This one is for; Logan, Sanji, Tyki, Marian and Sasuke. Thanks so much for participating, everyone! ♥ ]

princess justinia

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