Apr 03, 2011 15:03
[he hadn't wanted it to be true, so maybe he'd spent the past few days trying to track her down. Of course, the singing didn't help, but now he's ready to let everyone know, because now he knows it to be undeniably true]
Anyone that knew Bela Talbot, she's gone home.
[he's pretty sure she had set up some sort of trust for the shop. Willow, and probably that new girl Paige, or that Felix guy knew how to handle that.
Now he just had her pets.]
Anyone wants a drink, they're on the house today.
[and Eliot'll be in the Lux. Seated in a booth. Slowly drinking a glass of whiskey. He won't finish it, but it's there. In his hand. If he goes more than the one he'd lose track of how much he drank, and he's really not fond of that loss of control. He's already lost one thing.]
eliot spencer