Mar 26, 2011 17:25
[Waking up alone when you went to bed with your husband is startling.
Waking up in a castle when you live in a tree is alarming.
Waking up without the Ring of Power that has been on your finger for thousands of years and could do great harm in the wrong hands is down-right panic inducing. …Of course, “panic” on the face of Galadriel looks remarkably like “mild distress” to most people.
It doesn’t take long for her to locate the journal and she soon realizes its importance. She quickly skims through the entries, enough to get the basics; it's clear that reading this will answer a lot of questions. She doesn’t have time for that, however. Nevermind that she is decidedly not where she should be; that’s not what’s important here. Nenya is missing. This officially qualifies as a crisis. And she’s out of her element. Proud though she may be, she’s going to have to ask for help.
The voice that comes over the journal is deceptively calm. Though quiet and gentle, it is weighted with authority. This is a woman who is obviously more used to giving answers than requesting them.]
I see that many of the answers I seek will be found in this strange text. I wish not to weary you by repeating all who have come before, yet there are questions I would have answered in a manner more immediate and direct, if such a thing is possible, for they are of great import and my need is most urgent. What is known of the fate of that which is taken from us upon arrival? Memories, perhaps, may be erased, but items cannot be simply willed out of existence. [Although, she’s a little less sure of this than she once was. Magical kidnapping castle considered.] What assurance have we that they are not to be used for some fell purpose?
There is much I have yet to understand of this place and I fear I must beg your indulgence for a time. Those who would aid my comprehension in this matter have my thanks.
[And with that, she’s taking the journal and going exploring. It would hardly do for a daughter of the House of Finwë to sit about and wait for answers.]
[OOC: So, feel free to answer her over the journal or to run into a freakishly tall elven woman in the hallway]