This is so strange. Who is this Xion girl Roxas keeps talking about? I feel like I should know... He says she was part of the Organization, but the only girl was Larxene, and she died in Castle Oblivion, and he says I fought her when they thought I was the imposter... I didn't put on the coat until I left Castle Oblivion. It doesn't make any sense.
Still, it's better that I told him what I did to him sooner rather than later. We've spent the last few months getting to be friends. It'll suck if we can't be anymore, but...
... I deserve it if he doesn't want to talk to me.
[Sora and Kairi;]
I told Roxas about what I did. He knows he didn't want to come with me to wake you up, Sora.
He probably won't be talking to me for a while. I wanted to let you two know.
[/Sora and Kairi;]